Beckhams On The Cover Of 10 Magazine


Victoria and David Beckham both shot covers for the latest issue of 10 magazine. 10 is a true fashion magazine that is actually about fashion and art instead of celebrities and dieting and pleasuring your man, so it's surprising to see celebrity faces on the cover. After Lindsay Lohan shot the cover of Muse, though, maybe the few true fashion tomes left out there will venture into celebrity-cover land more and more. Anyway, they can get away with putting Victoria on the cover, kind of, because she has her own successful dress range.

She tells 10 that she plans to be designing twenty years from now. She also said Marc Jacobs is determined to get her to wear flats this spring, and that she and Jennifer Lopez have something in common.+

David, meanwhile, discusses the collection he designs for Adidas, and being basically naked in those Armani ads (It's awkward! No, really!). The issue also includes a 40-page editorial of the couple.

And so the celebrification of fashion continues. Maybe in a year we'll see Jessica Simpson on the cover of 10. QVC and Kim Kardashian are showing at Fashion Week! Anything's possible.

Source : New York Fashion


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